Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Aura of Replicants

                In my last post I explored the idea of the copies of an individual all having their own individual auras through the framework of the video game SOMA. This time I’d like to explore it through the lens of the movie Blade Runner. In Blade Runner, there are genetically engineered creatures called ‘replicants’. Each replicant is created with a set life time of 4 years. In an effort to increase the life span of the replicants a new idea is being tested – implanting the memories of a living human into a replicant clone. The test dummy for this is Tyrell’s niece Rachael. When introduced Rachael does not know that she is a replicant, although she is beginning to suspect. While this seems to be just another crazy science fiction method for creating new life, the implication run a little deeper than that.

                Rachel has all of the memories of the real Rachael. In one scene she vividly recalls a spider who used to live outside of her window. But, if the replicant has all of the original Rachael’s, that is Tyrell’s actual niece, memories then what happened to the original Rachael? If you read K. W. Jeter’s follow up to the movie the original Rachael was still alive and eventually reclaimed her life. But I believe it does not matter. Both of the Rachaels have their own lives. The original Rachael had her own life before the creation of the replicant, and presumably continues to lead her own life after. The replicant initially believes herself to be the original and continues living the way the original would have. Eventually the replicant understands that she is not the original and begins to live her own life, beginning by helping Deckard to kill another replicant.

                In this way both Rachaels have their own auras. The original whether or not she is still alive has her own aura by living her own life. The replicant Rachael also has her own aura, created by her choices to leave Tyrell and help Deckard in his quest to hunt down the rogue replicants. Again like the various Simon’s of SOMA the replicant Rachael creates her own distinct aura. In the beginning, while she was still playing the role of the original, Rachael asks Deckard if he had ever killed a replicant and acted prim and proper. By the end she has killed a replicant herself and is entering into a relationship with Deckard.

                This is also a point made by Tyrell to the despondent Roy Batty. Roy is angry that he will die and all of the things he has seen and done will be forgotten when he dies. Tyrell tries to explain that because he has lived the way he has the things he has seen and done have their own meaning for him. Roy has created his own aura through his actions, just like Rachael has created her own aura through her actions. Just like, if you believe him to be a replicant, Deckard has created his own aura through his own actions.

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