Monday, May 8, 2017

Final Project Thoughts

Hi all!

So for my last blog post, I'm just going to kind of outline what I'm thinking I want my final project to look like.

I'm really interested in social media (I'm a marketing major so it kind of makes sense) and how it affects our daily lives and in reference to this class, the aura. I want to reference a few key things in my final paper.

·       Our discussion in class about how people live for social media and focus more on documenting memories than making them, like videoing a concert instead of just enjoying the moment
·       Photography, especially mentioned in the Walter Benjamin’s essay, and how it helps to preserve memories but it can also take away from the aura of the thing
·       The influence of social media in The Circle and what it means to not be constantly on social media
o   Mae misses out on parties
o   She wants to have some time for herself but The Circle doesn’t believe in that
o   Everything has to be on display for everyone to see
·       My show and tell about the One Second a Day for a Year video
·       Memes that make fun of how reliant people are on their phones and social media
o    “if you didn’t take a picture at the gym, did you even really go?”
·       Cami’s blog post about the Childish Gambino concert that she went to where they didn’t allow you to use your phone
·       Social media allows us to refine and edit the best parts of our lives to post; it’s not an accurate representation of us and our real lives
·       Posting pictures of where we travel and experience takes away from the aura for others; if we post pictures at the Grand Canyon, people feel like they’ve already experienced it and don’t need to go in person

Those are just some of the ideas that I want to compile together into my final project.

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