Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Final Wrap Up

In each of these examples the aura, or the spiritual or emotional value of the example is not solely dependent on it being an original. Rather the value comes from the value that the object creates for itself through its actions, or the value ascribed to the object due to its history. The paintings by DaVinci would undoubtedly be worth more if they were original, but even as they are with their centuries of history each has its own unique aura. When a person comes to see the painting and reads about it in the catalogue they experience its unique aura built by its unique history, a history which the other painting does not share. In this way both paintings have their own unique auras.
The various Simons in SOMA also create their own auras. The Simon of the past has his own nostalgic aura as each progressive Simon seeks to recreate and relive his life. The Simon who is left behind also has his own aura. He has worked so hard and come so far only to be left behind, his aura develops to be one of anger and helplessness as he is left alone in the dark. The Simon who makes it onto the ARK has his own aura. His aura is one of peace and accomplishment. He has done all the same things as the one left behind, but he made it and now he can enjoy his hard one spoils.
The cloned Pokemon of Pokemon: The First Movie also create their own auras. Despite note being originals, and in some cases coming face to face with their own originals, the cloned Pokemon decide to create their own worth and place in the world. Instead of allowing themselves and their auras to be defined as mere copies, they choose to define themselves and their auras through their actions.
Roy Batty and Rachael in Blade Runner also develop their own auras. Rachael being the clone of another girls memories eventually creates her own aura by falling in love with Deckard and helping him on his quest to kill the replicants. Roy Batty creates his own aura from the things he’s done. In his own word “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe” (Blade Runner). The robots of R.U.R. are similar to Roy. Each robot creates his or her own personality after the robot uprising. They become their own people and create a society. In this way they create their own aura despite have originally only having the aura of mechanical workers.

So the concept of the aura, while rooted to the physical object is not so cut and dry. The aura is a concept which grows with an object in response to an object’s experiences. A matchbox car becomes more meaningful because it is a childhood toy than any other matchbox car that does not have those experiences associated with it. Just like the examples listed above the aura of the matchbox car grows and changes to fit the value ascribed to it by the owner based on the owner’s perception of the car influenced by his acquaintance with it.

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