Saturday, May 6, 2017

Final Thoughts

It’s amazing how just reading a couple of books and texts about the future of technology can change your opinion so drastically. I never really thought of advancements in technology as much of a problem. Now, as we approach the end of this class, my opinion has completely changed. I am actually slightly worried about the power that technology possesses, and the power of those who control the technology. Most of the fear comes from my realization that if technology were ever to become so powerful and encompassing as in the Circle, it would be nearly impossible to stop. I’ve began to worry much more about my privacy. I’m not sure I want every single app watching what I’m doing, collecting data on me. This is only the beginning too. Technology will become more advanced, and along with that more intrusive. I worry that soon enough; everyone will be able to see every move I make online. Maybe this is an exaggeration, but if there is one thing I’ve learned in this class it’s that humans are making some pretty extraordinary advancements in technology, and the stars are the limit. I used to think that the idea of robots taking over was absolutely ridiculous, but now I’m starting to wonder if it is somehow possible. I still don’t think it is going to happen, and I would most likely be long gone by then, but it is intriguing to think about. My project will contain a more in-depth look at my thoughts on this matter, but I figured I might as well talk about this in my last blog post because this is really what I got out of the class. I now think about technology in a much different way, which I guess was the goal of the class.

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