Thursday, May 4, 2017

Blog Post #4-Stephanie Clinch

Recently I watched a movie called The Prestige, a film that came out in 2006 and was directed by Christopher Nolan. Some of the actors are Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine and Scarlett Johansson. I picked this for my blog entry because it falls into place with the topic of my final project with aura. The movie is about magic shows in the nineteenth century and two young magicians Borden (Bale) and Angier (Jackman). There are several instances in this story where people are able to see past the illusion of doubles and magic tricks, and feel the truth based on changes in aura. This blog post will contain some spoilers, but if this description sounds interesting to you, I definitely recommend watching the movie!
The aura is described by Walter Benjamin in The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction as “presence in time and space, its unique existence at the place where it happens to be” (220). This is relevant to The Prestige as a large part of the magic tricks used revolve around doubles of objects to create illusions. However, in some cases, the illusions are not sufficient enough to fool the perception of the aura. For instance, there was a part in the film where Borden is helping a magician perform a trick where he smashes a bird cage with a live bird in it (though logically, this would kill it, but magic and humans are not logical), and pulls it out—alive—from thin air. The audience was amazed—they did not for one second suspect that there could have been a second bird who had not suffered such an ill-fate as his brother—except for one small boy who burst out in tears asking “where is his brother?!”. The little boy was able to see past the illusion masking the aura and could feel that it was not the same bird the second time around.
(MAJOR SPOILER) Another instance where someone is able to tell the difference between a double and the original is when Borden’s wife senses something different about her husband. Part of successfully executing a magic trick, according to Borden, is living it. So, Borden and his double both lived Borden’s life and would take turns being a father and husband to his family, and living life as one person allowed them to give off the same aura to most people (successfully turning a double into a replica). However, Mrs. Borden was not fooled. She was able to look at her husband and tell when it was the double and when it was her husband because she could feel whether he loved her or not. She would say “you don’t love me today” and the replica would answer, “not today”. Borden loved Mrs. Borden but the double did not. Borden was able to fool the audience because they did not know him on that level, but cheesily, love gave him away. There are many instances such as these throughout the film.

This movie is relevant to my project because it elaborates on the aura and people’s abilities to sense changes in aura. Furthermore, I am using this source to distinguish between doubles and exact replicas, as this movie provides a very detailed account of this (I excluded it because I feel really bad about spoiling the movie!), especially when taking into account Angier’s experience. Furthermore, I plan to explain the logic behind how Borden was able to turn a double into a replica, almost. I also plan to elaborate on the aura and how it is different in each situation.

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