Sunday, May 7, 2017

Response to "The Kardashians" Blog Post

The Kardashian family, probably the most popular family in the world, has attracted never-ending fame for years now. With this family, its either you love and support them or you despise everything that they do and stand for. Rachel Campbell, in her blog post titled The Kardashians, discusses the reasons she believes that many have fallen in love with watching them every week. She explores the idea that people tune in every week to experience the Kardashians life for themselves, as if they were stepping into the family’s shoes. However, why do the people, that hate the family, keep up with their news? For me, personally, I feel that even those who aren’t fans, are still interested in keeping up with the media surrounding the family because they are entertaining. For the haters, they pay attention to the outrageous plots and schemes that go on, to then talk about why they hate them. Most of the time, the people that aren’t fans find the family to just be completely fake, in that they believe the Kardashians don’t do anything that wouldn’t make them money or gain them fame. There is no evidence that doesn’t support this claim though, as most of the show nowadays is made up of extravagant vacations and exclusive parties.
 As Rachel Campbell constantly refers back to in her article, the Kardashians provide people with the entertainment that they want. Many commend the Kardashian family on working the system; basically, meaning that they know what people want to see, and they give viewers just that. In society, looks have become more important to the younger generation. If we pay attention to the media, it’s obvious that the more attractive people are, the more famous they tend to be. With the Kardashian family, this is a prime example. The daughters are all considered to be gorgeous and stunning. People even go as far as wanting to look exactly like them, with some getting plastic surgery, or copying the girls’ makeup routines. That’s probably one of the many reasons they get constant criticism. They promote this image that is seen by millions every day, and that image is then influencing those viewers. As mentioned previously, today’s society has become obsessed with being attractive and looking good to others. Social media has also constituted to this epidemic. With multiple video and photo sharing applications, like Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, more people have become entangled with the idea that if they aren’t attractive, they won’t gain any followers or have anyone like them. The Kardashian family gets a lot of backlash for this, as they are constantly posting photos of them in little clothing, tons of makeup, and luxurious backdrops. The problem is the fact that no one’s life can be perfect, but the Kardashian makes it seem like that. For instance, most of the audience likes to see the drama between the sisters because it is entertaining and funny.

Most of the drama that the show exposes, isn’t even real drama most of the time, as the show is mainly scripted. They don’t go on trips every single day and have all these exciting events happening, but if they were to show the audience what they actually do every day, they wouldn’t have as many viewers. That’s why they also continue to come up with spin-off shows, clothing lines, fitness videos, makeup lines, and book deals. They don’t want to lose their audience, as the fans are the ones keeping them on the air. Thus, they keep coming up with more material that they feel the audience will respond to. When people watch the Kardashians, as mentioned by Rachel Campbell in her blog post, they are basically trying to experience what the family does. That’s what social media has provided society with; the opportunity to experience someone else’s life. The issue is that people only show what they want others to see, making them seem flawless. No one wants others to see any hardships or difficulties they may be going through, as that isn’t attractive. Thankfully, the Kardashians have started to become more down-to-earth as they are aging and can’t keep up with the same plots they’ve done before. This will hopefully promote a more humble tone for the viewers. 

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