Friday, April 14, 2017

Paying with your face?

Hi everybody!
So I was scrolling through Facebook, as one does, when I came across this article, which is super interesting but also kind of scary? As most things nowadays are I feel. It basically talks about this new technology that is being implemented in China that allows facial recognition technology to authorize payments at certain vendors and locations, act as an access pass to certain facilities, and even track down criminals via their face. Obviously this has some very obvious positive aspects, no one can steal your money by making fraudulent charges, it'll be easier and safer to make purchases without having to carry physical cash, that sort of thing. But what if you have a twin? They make up a good majority of the population. What about siblings that look VERY similar? Or even people that just look the same, you know how we're all supposed to have 7 people that look almost identical to us in the world? Thats definitely a thing. The article also mentions that you can use the technology to make sure someone driving is a real person, which I guess could be a problem, by having them speak and move their head when the software is scanning their face.

So this is interesting to me because if this catches on outside of China (which already has WAY too many people living there), it will virtually include everyone in it, including people who don't want that. In order to steal someone's identity, you just need a realistic face mold/mask of the person's face. Will people be able to opt out of this? Will voice recognition need to be the more important component of this? If this technology is being used to track criminals as well, does that limit the freedom of people who are not criminals? Will it reduce crime at all, especially if criminals already wear masks and/or make sure their face is not visible during the time the crime is committed? There is so much to unpack here regarding freedom and what exactly this technology will do. I personally think that it will just speed up the prosthetics (black) market because at that point, all you'll need is a good picture of someone and have the key to unlocking certain aspects of their lives.

Overall, I hate to sound like a baby boomer, but this technology is kind of scaring me. Facial recognition robots still won't have human ability to make illogical judgments about certain things, they won't be willing to take risks or question something that just The aura is especially important here because another robot won't be able to distinguish a human face from a mask or prosthetic, and it definitely wont be able to distinguish between a human voice live and a recording. On that note, is a recording the same? This kind of goes back to the argument of the original vs. the copy or remake of something. If a voice is the original, does that matter? In this case it would, because the technology will use voice recognition, but in general, will it matter? Im sorry to open up a whole new can of worms here, but its just interesting to think about the practicality of recordings and remakes of things that are supposed to be unique and original.

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