Tuesday, April 25, 2017

How Millennials Will Talk About Love

            In today’s society, technology has become a part of each person’s daily life. Majority of people have a smartphone and other devices such as tablets and laptops. Technology has provided many advantages and made many tasks in life easier. For example, technology makes it easier to look up directions, general information, and it quickens the amount of time it takes to get into contact with someone. However, there are some concerns with the increasing rate of dependency on technology.
            For my show and tell, I decided to show a video that I found while on Facebook. The video depicts a relationship from start to end that is based on social media and the technology that is commonly used today. The video makes fun of the way that people today utilize technology and social media. While this video is meant to be a joke, the basis of the video is very much real. As social media and technology usage has increased, people have become more dependent on technology to communicate to one another rather than having face-to-face interactions. In many ways, technology has allowed for people to communicate much more efficiently. People who live in other states or even other countries can have contact to others through calling, texting, and social media websites. Social media has allowed people that would not necessarily communicate with each other normally to have easier access to one another. On the other hand, social media and technology has made it much easier to decrease communication between people. While technology allows people to reach each other at any moment in time, it has decreased the amount of face-to-face interactions people have with one another. It can be argued that technology has allowed people to communicate digitally and avoid communicating while in the physical presence of one another. Because people have become more dependent on digital interactions, face-to-face interactions have become more “awkward” in a way. With social media, often times people become so consumed with their digital presence that they forget how to present themselves when in contact with a real person. While in many ways social media has increased communication, it has decreased the ability for some to communicate in person. Social media allows individuals to pick what they see as the best parts of themselves to show to the world. In texts, messaging, and emails, a person can take as much time as they desire editing their words. Also, emotions are not always conveyed clearly through messaging. While there are emojis, little faces on a screen cannot replicate a person’s raw emotion and reaction. When communicating over social media and technology, others only see what that individual wants them to see.
            People have become so reliant on technology as a form of communication that they forget how to have a normal conversation. However, maybe communication through technology is becoming the new “normal”. In each era, new ways of living arise that people in previous times would think is absurd. As time progresses, what was once thought of as “crazy” becomes normal. Technology as a primary communication device may be today’s new normal.

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