Wednesday, April 19, 2017

If You See Something, Write Something

I've been rereading your posts to this blog to get a sense of what we still need to cover and how I might help each of you with your projects and have been delighted to see how the accretion of posts has made them increasingly interdependent. I perceived connections that I'd missed the first time as I reviewed everything in sequence and encourage you to scroll back through in the hope that you will have similar revelations.

I've also been going through my Evernote notebook in which I save material that seems pertinent to thinking about New Media. It's interesting to see what caught my eye a few years ago as opposed to right now. I can tell that my current perception has been influenced by what you have been sharing here and in your show-and-tell presentations.

To give one short example, I was reading The New York Times recently while eating dinner with my dad -- since my mom passed away in April, 2014, I have tried to spend "quality time" with him most days -- and took a photo of the front page of the "Business" section:

I've found myself taking more photos of the physical newspaper in general, which makes me feel odd, since camera phones seem so antithetical to traditional print media. And what I want to take photos of in the newspaper, increasingly, is the way that stories are framed or previewed. This one caught my eye, obviously, because it speaks to our conversations about becoming "post-human" (and because it is consequentially creepy.)

Anyway, I just want to encourage those of you who are still trying to come up with content for blog posts to think about looking for images to share and discuss. As the subject of this entry states, "If you see something, write something."

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