Thursday, March 2, 2017

Show and tell presentation

The idea that people have a sixth sense has been a long-debated topic. A sixth sense goes beyond a person’s normal senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell), and allows them to sense deeper and feel the aura of an object or person. For example, when a dog meets a new person they will usually either growl at the person or go up to them and get petted by them. In a way, this is an example of a dog using its sixth sense to feel a person’s aura.  

We have talked a lot in class about a person’s aura and their sixth sense, which is why I chose this episode of Supernatural for my show and tell presentation. I have been watching Supernatural for a while now and was watching this episode when I realized it sort of had to do with the idea of a sixth sense and feeling someones aura. In the scene, Sam is in the dark attempting to fight the vampire named Gordon. Sam must use his sixth sense and Gordon’s aura to determine where Gordon is, so Sam can fight him. If Sam did not have the ability to sense where Gordon was based off his aura he may have been killed.

In life, there are a lot of cases I think where we can sense someone’s aura and may not even realize it. Have you ever had that feeling where you meet someone and just don’t “feel” like they’re a good person? That is sensing their aura. I think with animals it can sometimes go deeper than that. Animals have a stronger sense of a person’s aura, which is why they may growl at some people or be scared of some things. For example, my family has a friend that my dogs are terrified of for some reason. He is a great guy that is very nice, and we could never figure out what it was that would scare my dogs. Eventually he found out he had cancer, but he treated it and went into remission. As soon as he came over after being in remisison my dogs were fine around him and no longer scared. In this case, I think they could sense his aura and knew something was wrong that scared them. As soon as he was healthy again, nothing seemed out of the ordinary with his aura, so they were okay around him.

Throughout the episode and the season Gordon talks about how there is something off about Sam and he can “just feel it”. The audience knows that Sam has demon blood in his veins and that is what is wrong, but Gordon does not know that and simply can sense Sam’s aura. I think the idea of a sixth sense and aura is very real. If you pay attention, there is evidence of it all throughout life.

I could not find the actual video of this episode on youtube but it is on Netflix. It is season three episode 7.

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